Item: Macaroni & Cheese
Size: 12 oz
Brand: Boston Market


For best quality and food safety, follow these cooking instructions: Do not prepare in toaster oven; do not reuse tray; keep frozen until ready to use; cook thoroughly before eating; use caution as product and packaging will be hot. Microwave Oven: The following cook preparation was developed using a 1200 watt microwave oven. Due to variations in all ovens, adjustment to cooking time may be required. 1. Remove tray from outer carton; pull back corner of film to vent. 2. Cook on High for 3 minutes. 3. Pull back film and stir product. Replace film. 4. Cook on High for 1-1/2 minutes. Let stand in microwave 1 minute. Stir and enjoy. Conventional Oven: Due to variations in all ovens, adjustment to cooking time may be required. 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Do not exceed 350 degrees F. 2. Remove tray from outer carton; pull back corner of film to vent. 3. Place tray on baking sheet on middle oven rack. 4. Cook for 25 minutes. 5. Pull back film and stir product. Replace film. 6. Cook for 5 minutes. Remove from oven. Let stand 1 minute. 7. Stir and enjoy. Manufacturer: Heinz North America/H.J. Heinz Company, LP Address: Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Phone: 800-488-0050


Warnings: Contains eggs, milk, soybeans, wheat.
Category: Food/Drink
EAN: 0071984045325
UPC 12: 071984045325
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Last modified: Saturday, 26-Jun-2010 1:32 PM ET
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