Item: Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Size: 32 oz
Brand: The Works


Read entire label before using. It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. To Open: Hold bottle firmly, push down on cap and turn counter-clockwise. Be careful not to squeeze bottle when removing cap. To reseal, turn cap clockwise until tightly closed. To clean bowl: Flush toilet. Raise toilet seat. Open cap and point bottle down into bowl. Carefully direct product onto sides of the bowl and under the rim. Close cap. Brush to cover all surfaces of the bowl. Flush toilet. For heavily stained bowl, repeat above procedure. To clean tank, empty tank and apply to sides. Do not apply directly to internal working parts. Brush then fill and flush. The Works Disinfectant Toilet Bowl Cleaner can be used as a disinfectant in homes, schools and offices. Do not spill or place on countertop, carpet, flooring, bathtub, sink, enamel or chrome surfaces. Clean spills immediately! For toilet bowl use only! To disinfect: Remove heavy soil from surfaces with bowl brush. Apply at least 6 oz of product onto all interior bowl surfaces. Let product remain 10 minutes before brushing, making sure to get under the rim. Flush with clean water. Storage and disposal: Store out of reach of children in original container. Place empty bottle in trash collection or recycle. Prohibitions: Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal.


Hydrogen Chloride (20%), Inert Ingredients (80%).
Category: Household
EAN: 0074157033105
UPC 12: 074157033105
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Last modified: Monday, 09-Aug-2010 11:26 PM ET
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