Item: Country Style Hash Browns Shredded Potatoes
Size: 6 Pounds
Brand: Ore-Ita


Easy Preparation: Keep Frozen

Electric Skillet Cook:
1. Heat cooking oil in a non-stick 12-inch electric skillet at 350 degrees.
2. Carefully add frozen hash browns to form an even layer.
3. Cover and cook according to chart.
4. Remove lid after turning and continue cooking for remaining time, or to desired color and crispness. DO NOT STIR.

Hash Browns Oil Cooking Time
5 1/4 Cup 4 tbsp. 6-7 minutes, turn, 6-7 minutes
10 1/2 Cup 1/3 cup 8-10 minutes, turn, 8-10 minutes
5. Season to taste

Skillet Cook:
1. Heat cooking oil carefully in a non-stick 12-inch skillet over medium-high heat.
2. Carefully add frozen hash browns to form an even layer.
3. Cover and cook according to chart.
4. Remove lid after first turn and continue cooking for remaining time, or to desired color and crispness. DO NOT STIR.
Hash Browns Oil Cooking Time
5 1/4 cup 4 tbsp. 3-5 minutes, turn, 3-5 minutes
10 1/2 cup 1/3 cup 4-7 minutes, turn, 4-7 minutes, turn, 2-3 minutes
5. Season to taste


Potatoes, dextrose, disodium dihydrogen pyrophosphate (to retain natural color).

Additional details:

Caution: Ice crystals on frozen foods can cause spattering when added to hot oil. Add product carefully.

Tips for frying with oil: Always preheat oil uncovered. If oil spatters, cover immediately and reduce heat. When spattering stops, remove cover and return to cooking temperature. Be careful not to spatter or spill oil onto hot burner of range.
Category: Food/Drink
EAN: 0013120008627
UPC 12: 013120008627
Number of scans:
Last modified: Monday, 14-Jun-2010 04:00 AM ET
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