Item: Disinfecting Wipes - Fresh Scent
Size: 75 ct
Brand: Clorox


To Open Package: Pull out wipe from center of roll. Next sheet pops up automatically. Close lid to retain moisture. It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Not for cleaning or sanitizing skin. Do not use as a diaper wipe or for personal cleansing. To Disinfect: Use to disinfect hard, nonporous surfaces. Wipe surface to be disinfected; use enough wipes for treated surface to remain visibly wet for 4 minutes. Let surface air dry. For highly soiled surfaces, clean excess dirt first. To Clean: Wipe surface clean with Clorox Disinfecting Wipes. Let air dry. To Sanitize: Use to sanitize/deodorize hard, nonporous surfaces. Wipe surface; use enough wipes for treated surface to remain visibly wet for 30 seconds. Let surface dry. For highly soiled surfaces, clean excess dirt first. For surfaces that may become in contact with food, a potable water rinse is required. Clorox Disinfecting Wipes will not harm most surfaces, including acrylic, fiberglass and vinyl. Not recommended for use on unpainted wood.


Active Ingredients: N-Alkyl (C14, 60%; C16, 30%; C12, 5%; C18, 5%), Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride (0.145%). N-Alkyl (C12, 68%; C14, 32%) Dimethyl Ethylbenzyl Ammonium Chloride (0.145%). Other Ingredients (99.710%).
Category: Household
EAN: 0044600016566
UPC 12: 044600016566
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Last modified: Monday, 14-Jun-2010 9:46 PM ET
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