Item: FUR-So-Fresh Medicated Dog Shampoo
Size: 18 fl oz
Brand: Sergeant's


1) Shake bottle gently. Wet dog's coat with water. 2) Pour shampoo along pet's back starting at the rump and working forward. Lather shampoo into the dog's coat and down to the skin. Avoid getting lather into pet's eyes. For best results leave shampoo on animal for 5 - 10 minutes to allow for greater penetration of ingredients, then rinse thoroughly and towel dry. 3) Sergeant's Fur-So-Fresh Medicated Dog Shampoo is gentle enough to use as often as necessary. Persistent cases may require two or three treatments at one week intervals. If condition worsens or does not improve after regular use of this product as directed, consult a veterinarian.


Oil of Melaleuca alternifolia, Salicylic Acid, 2-Chloro-m-5 Xylenol

Additional details:

For External Use As a Cleansing Shampoo Only.
Do Not Use on Severely Traumatized or Irritated Skin.
Category: Household
EAN: 0073091020332
UPC 12: 073091020332
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Last modified: Friday, 03-Sep-2010 2:50 PM ET
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