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$10.00 Coral Cube earrings
$10.00 Geode Key Chain
$10.00 Malakite/Azurite Cross pendant
$10.00 White Cube Earrings 1/2 inch leverbacks
$10.00 White Cube Earrings 1/2 inch leverbacks
$15.00 Czech Glass Clicker Bracelet
$15.00 Czech Glass Clicker Bracelet
$15.00 Czech Glass Clicker Bracelet GqYLLdrYODStyxPI
$15.00 Lapis Berry Earrings 1/3 inch
$15.00 Lapis Berry Earrings 1/3 inch leverbacks
$15.00 Lapis Berry Earrings
$15.00 Lapis Chip Bracelet 7 inch
$15.00 Lapis Chip Bracelet 8 inches
$15.00 Lapis Chip Bracelet 7 inches
$15.00 Lapis Chip Bracelet 7 inches
$15.00 Lapis Chip Bracelet 7 inches
$15.00 Lapis Oval Memory Bracelet Large memory wire
$15.00 Maple Turquoise Cross Key Chain
$15.00 Maple Turquoise Cross key Chain
$15.00 Summer fun Bracelet 7 inches
$15.00 Swinging Lapis Earrings 3/4 inch leverbacks
$20.00 Copper and Hematite necklace magnetic clasp 16 inch
$25.00 Amazon Splender Necklace 15 inch choker
$25.00 Blue bar Elegance 17 inches
$25.00 Calcedney Bits necklace
$25.00 Fossilite Necklace 16 inches with 1 inch drop
$25.00 Fossilite Necklace
$25.00 Lapis bead Necklace 18 inches
$25.00 Petosky Jasper necklace with copper accents 16 inch
$25.00 Petowski Jasper and Copper Necklace 17 inches
$30.00 Abalone and Copper 18 inch necklace
$30.00 Ancient Waters Necklace 16 inches
$30.00 Biwa Pearl Cross Necklace 18 inches
$30.00 Cubes and rounds Necklace 19 inches
$30.00 Lapis and Pearl Splender Necklace 16 inches
$30.00 Lapis Oval Elegance 18 inches
$30.00 Lapis Strand Necklace 20 inches
$30.00 Maori Jade Necklace 20 inches
$35.00 Lapis Globe Necklace 17 inches
$35.00 Triple Petowsky Necklace 16 inches
$40.00 Deep Cube in Blue Necklace 15 inch choker
$40.00 Other Worldly Necklace
$40.00 Otherworldly Necklace 18 inches with 1 inch drop
$40.00 Wild Blue and Gold Necklace 18 inches
$5.00 Labradorite Paw Key Chain 1 inch leverbacs
$50.00 Glen Permar Executive Pen
$50.00 Glen Permar Executive Pen
$50.00 Glen Permar Executive Pen
$50.00 Glen Permar Executive Pen
$50.00 Glen Permar Executive Pen
$50.00 Glen Permar Executive Pen
$50.00 Glen Permar Executive Pen
Abalone and Hematite Cubes necklace $30.00
Abalone and Hematite Necklace $30.00
Abalone and nut necklace $30.00
Abalone and pearl necklace $35.00
Abalone and pearl necklace $35.00
Abalone Disk and copper Necklace $25.00
Abalone disk and pearl necklace $30.00
Abalone disk and pearl necklace $30.00
Abalone Disk Earrings $15.00
Abalone Disk Earrings $15.00
Abalone Disk Earrings $15.00
Abalone Disk Earrings $15.00
Abalone Oval Earring $20.00
Abalone Oval Earrings $20.00
Abalone Oval Earrings $20.00
Abalone Oval Earrings $20.00
Abalone Oval Earrings $20.00
Abalone, Hematite and copper bracelet $15.00
Amazon Splender Necklace $25.00
Amethyst Crystal Necklace $20.00
Amethyst Pendant $15.00
Amethyst Pendant and Chain $15.00
Amethyst Trio Necklace $25.00
Ancient Waters Necklace $30.00
Appatite Strand Necklace $25.00 17 inch
Aventurine Circles and Sparkles $30.00
balone Disk magnetic clasp bracelet $15.00
Beauty by Nature Black to nature Clicker Bracelet memory wire
Beauty by nature Clicker Bracelet Memory wire
Beauty by Nature Copper and Paws Choker 16 inches
Bi-tone Ringmail 1 to 4 Bracelet $15.00
Bi-tone ringmail 1 to 6 Bracelet $20.00
Bi-tone Ringmail 1 to 6 Bracelet $20.00
Biwa Pearl and BlueQuartz Necklace $30.00 16 inch
Biwa Pearl Cross $30.00 18 inch
Bodatious Lapis Necklace $35.00
Copper, Hematite necklace with Obsidian cross $20.00
Cranberry Heart Necklace $25.00
Dalmatian Jasper and Hematite Necklace $30.00
Dalmatian Jasper and Hematite Necklace $30.00
Dalmatian Jassper and Hematite Necklace $30.00
Diamonds and Hearts Earrings $10.00
Diamonds and Hearts Necklace $25.00
Double Diamond Aventurine Necklace $30.00
Double Diamond Aventurine Sparkle $35.00
Double Pink Jade Set Necklace and Earrings $30.00
Double strand Hematite and Copper Necklace $20.00
Double strand Lapis and nut Necklace $25.00
Druzy Quartz Keychain $15.00
Druzy Quartz Keychain $5.00
Druzy Quartz Keychain $5.00
Elegant Jasper Triple Focal Necklace $30.00
Executive Pen, Corian $40.00
Geode Slice Pin $15.00
Geode Slice Pin $15.00
Geode Slice Pin $15.00
Geode Slice Pin $15.00
Glass Bernese Mountain Dog $40.00
Glass Fox Hound $40.00
Glass Moose $75.00
Goth Hematite and Copper accents necklace $25.00
Green Jade Earrings $10.00
Hematite and Copper Bracelet Magnetic Claspe $10.00 7 inch
Hematite and Copper Bracelet with Magnetic Claspe $10.00 7 inch
Hematite and Copper Bracelet with Magnetic Claspe $10.00 6 inch
Hematite and Copper Magnetic Claspe Bracelet $10.00
Hematite and Copper magnetic Necklace $20.00
Hematite and Copper Necklace $20.00 16 inch
Hematite and Copper Necklace $20.00 16 inch
Hematite and Copper Necklace with Magnetic Claspe $20.00 16 inch
Hematite and Copper Toggle/bar Bracelet $10.00 7 inch
Hematite Cube Necklace $30.00
Hematite cube with Labradorite and spinel Necklace $30.00 16 inch
Hematite, Copper Obsidian Cross necklace and earring set $35.00
Hematite, nut and copper necklace $20.00
Hematite, Nut and pawprint bracelet $15.00
I love Fish bracelet $10.00
I Love Fish! $25.00
Industrial Look Copper and Hematite Necklace $20.00
Jade Compass Rose $30.00
Jasper and Jade $25.00
Jasper Diamonds Necklace $25.00
Lapis Berry Earrings $15.00
Lapis Chip Bracelet $10.00
Lapis chip bracelet $15.00
Lapis Chip Bracelet $15.00
Lapis ovals and Nuts Necklace $25.00
Lapis Rectangle and Nut Necklace $15.0-0
Large Glass seahorse $75.00
Laticed Compass Rose Necklace $30.00
Long Moonlit Lava Cubes $35.00
Malakite/Azurite Cross Keychain $10.00
Maori Jade and Silver Necklace $20.00
Maori Jade Necklace $30.00
Maple Turquoise Cross Key Chain $15.00
Meditoranian Coral Necklace $50.00
Moonlit Abalone $30.00
Moonlit Lava Cubes $30.00
Moonlit Lava Rock Earrings $15.00
Moonlit Rippling Lava Rock Necklace $30.00
Moonlit Shell $30.00
Mother of Pearl and Pink Necklace $15.00
Mother of Pearl and pink necklace $15.00
Mother of Pearl and Pink Necklace $15.00
Mother of Pearl Bracelet $10.00
Naturally Elegant Jasper and Hematite Earrings $15.00
Nut and Chip Necklace $10.00
Nut and chips Necklace $10.00
Obsidian Cross Earrings $10.00
Obsidian Cross Earrings $10.00
Other Worldly Drop Necklace $35.00
Other Worldly Necklace $40.00
Peridot andCopper Bracelet with Magnetic Claspe $10.00 7 inch
Petite Peridot and Copper Bracelet $10.00 6 inch
Petite Peridot and Copper Bracelet $10.00 6 inch
Petite Petowsky Jasper Bracelet $10.00 6 inch
Pink pearl and Pawprint bracelet $15.00
Pink Pearl and pawprint Bracelet $15.00
Pink Pearl and silver pawprint Bracelet $15.00
Quartz Spiral and nut choker $20.00
Rectangular Mother of Pearl Earrings $5.00
Red Agate Diamond Earrings $10.00
Red Agate Diamonds $25.00
Red Agate Diamonds Necklace $25.00
Red Brass Ringmail 1 to 3 Bracelet $15.00
Rippling Jasper and Hearts Necklace $35.00
Rodachrosite and Pearl Necklace $30.00
Rodacrosite and Pearl Necklace $30.00
Rodacrosite and Pearl Necklace $30.00
Rodacrosite Earrings $10.00
Rodacrosite Earrings $10.00
Rodacrosite Earrings $10.00
Rodacrosite Earrings $10.00
Rodacrosite Earrings $10.00
Rodacrosite Earrings $10.00
Rodacrosite Earrings $10.00
Shades of Jade Cranberry Earrings $10.00
Shades of Jade Dusty Pink Earrings $10.00
Shades of Jade Necklace3 $30.00
Shaeds of Pink Set, Necklace, Bracelet and Earrings $40.00
Shell Copper and Hematite Necklace $30.00
Silver and Hematite Earrings $10.00
Single Quartz Swirl and Pearl Necklace $25.00
Small Glass Seahorse $40.00
Southwest Stars Set Necklace, Bracelet and Earrings $25.00
Star Spangle Set Necklace and Earrings $20.00
Sterling Silver Kings Mail 1 to 8 Bracelet $35.00
Sterling Silver Kins Mail 1 to 8 Bracelet $35.00
Sterling Silver Ringmail 1-4 Bracelet $30.00
Sweetheart Set, Necklace and 2 pairs of Eearrings $40.00
Tahitian Fish and Coral $175.00
Tahitian Fish Pearl $125.00
Think Pink Diamond Shell and Hematite Necklace $15.00
Think Pink Rodacrosite and pearl necklace $30.00
Think Pink Rodacrosite and Pearl Necklace $30.00
Think Pink Rodacrosite Bracelet $15.00
Think Pink Rodacrosite Earrings $10.00
Think Pink Rodacrosite Earrings $10.00
Think Pink Rodacrosite Earrings $10.00
Think Pink Rodacrosite Trio Earrings $20.00
Triple Aventurine Diamond Earrings $15.00
Triple Compass Rose $35.00
Triple Fish Pearl Necklace $250.00 18 inch
Triple Heart Necklace $25.00
Triple Petosky Jasper Necklace $35.00
Triple Tahitian Fish Pearls $250.00
Tropical nut and Chip necklace $10.00
Turquoise Bones Combo $15.00
Turquoise Bones Cubes and Copper set, Necklace, Bracelet and Earrings $25.00
Turquoise Cube Earrings $10.00
Turquoise Cubes $20.00
White Cube Earrings $10.00
Wild Geometry Necklace $30.00
Wine Bottle Stopper American Holly $30.00
Wine Bottle Stopper Brumese Black wood $30.00
Wine Bottle Stopper Paddauk and Maple $30.00
Wine Bottle Stopper, Burmese Blackwood $25.00
`Lapis Trio Necklace $40.00
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